About us


Join the club…

I had always been a good sleeper – then my first child came along and chaos took over my life. Apart from the all-too-familiar disruptions of having a new baby at home, something else was happening to my body and, suddenly, I was no longer able to get the seven or eight hours of straight rest that we all need to function at our best.

I also soon realised that broken sleep becomes a vicious cycle: the less you rest, the more unbalanced your life is, and the harder it is to sleep. In time, my two children learned to sleep through the night but I was left behind, suffering insomnia ever since. I had no problems falling asleep but, after a couple of hours, I would be awake again and some nights were very long indeed.

I tried everything from professional help to natural medicine (and everything in between) to try to break that cycle.

Doing something about it…

Searching for answers and, with the help of my GP, who kept asking whether I was depressed, I got thinking and started reading. I was certainly not depressed but simply anxious. I have now taken care of that with a ‘multi-pronged’ approach which includes mindfulness, walks and other forms of exercise, a good diet (lighter for dinner) and my ‘sleep time’ routine. Every evening, when my work is done for the day, I put on my soft PJs, settle in for the night to watch a program or read a good book and, when I’m ready to go to bed, rest a little longer as a result. I am not sleeping eight hours yet but I am on my way!

Helping others…

My silent struggle over the years got me thinking that that there must be countless women going through the same experience as me – with or without children. Lack of sleep prevents us from reaching our full potential and, once it is recognised and treated, our quality of life really does improve – and so does that of those around us (no-one loves a misery guts).

I wondered how much more successful, happy, and relaxed we all might be if we simply got a better night’s sleep.

That’s when I hit upon the idea of creating pyjamaroo: the pyjamas help pay the bills but the real motivation is inspiring the community we have created dedicated to women’s wellbeing.

Take charge of you…you are worth it!

After I set up our pyjamaroo Facebook page, women of all ages began to follow us sharing tips, opinions, stories, and other information that was important to them. Now we run the page as a community of women looking out for each other. Most women tend to put others first all the time but unless we look after ourselves properly – and get some good rest in the process – we are slowly grinding ourselves into the ground. My idea of pyjamaroo may have started with some snuggly pyjamas but we are now also about sharing, empowerment, and helping one another.

And our community is thriving and growing:

  • More than 3000 followers in the first year
  • A reach of more than 4000 per day
  • Women of all ages, from regional and metropolitan areas are joining us

So welcome to our world, welcome to our community at pyjamaroo. We’re here to tell you that sleep matters. Our goal is to promote the physical and mental wellbeing of women by offering comfortable affordable sleepwear while, at the same time, creating a positive online community where we share information and stories with you. We are a collaboration and we are committed to the empowerment of women by promoting confidence, style and all-round brilliance.

Come and see for yourself…

Make a plan and decide to change your life. A little care, a little planning, and a good pre-bedtime routine will make a huge difference – plus a pair of comfy pyjamaroos of course.

Take charge of you. You are worth it.


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