
Pyjamaroo’s promise: If for any reason you are not entirely happy with your order, you can return it to us within 30 days of receipt for a full refund or exchange (excluding any postage and gift wrapping costs). All items must be returned in their original condition, unwashed, unworn (except for the purpose of trying on) and with swing tags still attached, together with the original receipt.

Simply complete the returns form which came with your delivery and send the item(s) back to:

PO Box 397
Williamstown VIC 3016

Make sure your name, address, phone number, email address and instructions are included on the returns form. We would also appreciate any comments that you would like to add.

On receipt of your returned item(s), we will credit your original method of payment excluding any delivery costs (in the unlikely event that your items were faulty when they reached you or were not the items you ordered, we will of course reimburse all delivery costs).

Please note that pyjamaroo is not responsible for return postage, nor does it accept liability for goods lost or damaged in the post. All returns or exchanges remain the responsibility of the purchaser until received by us. We therefore advise you to send your goods back using a trackable delivery service. Once we receive your parcel we will process your return and you will receive a confirmation email.


Provided the conditions in our refund and exchange policy have been met, you may exchange an item for something else from our online store.

Please return the item(s) as instructed above and mark on the returns form which alternative item(s) you would like us to send in their place. Exchanges are subject to stock availability. Standard delivery charges apply on re-delivery for online exchanges. In the case of goods exchanged because the original item(s) were faulty when they reached you or were not the items you ordered, delivery costs will not be charged when we send your replacement item(s).

If you need any further information, please contact our customer service department at

Email address
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